Cellulite/Stretch Mark Removal & Tightening

This is a high-definition combination treatment designed to reduce cellulite and stretch marks. We use a vacuum roller in combination with targeted RF technology to tighten the skin and reduce cellulite and stretch marks.

Treatment Time

45 mins (estimated)

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Full Recovery



24 hrs (approx)

Number of Treatments



Improved with each session

Duration Of Results

Visible after 6-8 treatments

Risks & Complications

Mild Redness


The wave vacuum roller massages the treatment area while simultaneously emitting targeted ultrasound. This method creates a negative suction pressure which causes fatty tissues to mobilise and loosen strands of connective tissue and reduce dimples (cellulite) in the skin.

The radio frequencies create thermal energy which helps to thicken existing and create new collagen. Healthy collagen will improve the skin’s elasticity, reducing the signs of stretch marks.

The treatment also improves lymphatic system circulation and decreases discomfort from oedema (water retention).

What Causes Cellulite?

Cellulite is the dimpled appearance of the skin caused by fatty deposits that have been pushed through connective tissue.

Men can develop cellulite, but it is more common in women due to ovarian oestrogen secretions stimulating the storage of subcutaneous fat. Between 80-90% of women have or will get it.

What Causes Stretch Marks?

Stretchmarks are caused by rapid changes in the size or shape of the body. The most common cause of stretch marks is rapid weight gain or loss, causing the skin to stretch.

The definition of ‘rapid’ is variable and depends on an individuals age and health. Put simply, stretch marks occur because collagen in the skin has had insufficient time to repair the skin.


You may wish to treat cellulite, stretch marks, or both. The structure and frequency of your treatments will vary depending on these requirements.

Sessions are painless and last approximately 45 mins. You may experience some sensitivity for the following 24 hrs.

Typically, we recommend 6-8 sessions for optimum results. Results occur gradually between sessions.





Cellulite and stretch marks Reduction Mesotherapy

1 session


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