Double Chin Reduction

We offer a wide range of highly effective treatments for double chin reduction and tightening. Treatments can be used individually or combined for optimal results.

Radio frequency RF treatment uses radio frequencies to disrupt stubborn fat cells LipoContrast, fat freezing, plus various injections – fat dissolving and skin tightening.

Many people feel self-conscious about excess chin fat. The good news is that our pioneering double chin reduction treatments can reduce fat and tighten the skin.

Treatment Time

30 mins (approx)

Back to Work




Full Recovery




Number of Treatments

2-4 treatments



Duration Of Results

Potentially long term*

Risks & Complications

Mild Redness

Chin Reduction Science

360° chin applicator uses Cryolipolysis to freeze fat cells in the chin. Fat cells cannot survive at these sustained temperatures, causing them to die and exit the body via the lymphatic drainage system.

Our RF chin reduction treatment uses radio frequencies that can disrupt stubborn fat cells. Additionally, the process creates thermal energy which facilities collagen regrowth. The new collagen helps to tighten the skin.

Which Treatment Should I Chose?

Clients with only a very small amount of excess chin fat may benefit from the RF reduction treatment.

If you have more excess fat you may benefit from a course of treatments using both methods.

Reducing a significant amount of fat in the chin can cause loose skin, so we often recommend combining the 360° chin freeze treatment with our radiofrequency procedure. The RF treatment helps with collagen regrowth, so can aid with restoring elasticity to the skin.


The number of sessions required will depend on the individual’s receptiveness to the treatments. Typically, only 1-2 360° chin freeze treatments are needed. If reducing chin fat causes loose skin, more RF treatments may be recommended.


Chin Freeze

RF Chin Reduction

Both Treatments




Booking a consultation with Prosperity Minds will allow us to asses your needs and recommend the correct combination of treatments.

Use the button below to get in touch.
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