Tattoo Removal

- Effectively removes tattoos 
- Reliable, with consistent predictable results
- Gentle to the skin
- Minimal downtime

What is different about Lumenis Stellar M22 tattoo removal?

Unlike many other laser tattoo removal machines, Lumenis Stellar M22 uses Q-Switch technology which enables tailored treatments for your specific needs. Depending on the type of your tattoo, including the colour, shape and depth of the ink that has been injected, your treatment can differ. And this new technology can accommodate all your tattoo removal needs. This gives you better results on your laser tattoo removal treatment.
Starting from your first laser tattoo removal treatment session, you can start seeing a change in the colour density of your tattoo. The number of the treatment sessions needed would change depending on your skin colour, skin type, the colour of your tattoo and the area of your body in which the tattoo is placed. The number of treatment sessions that will be recommended by your laser tattoo removal expert can change from 2-to 3 to 10 depending on these variables.
After your laser tattoo removal treatment, you will see small white circles on your tattoed area. These can then turn into little redness and mild swelling in the area can occur. If this is the case, do not worry as they will dissolve within 24 hours.
After the first 24 hours, a thick crust will start appearing on the treated area. This is your skin’s natural reaction to recovery. The thick crust will then fall within 2 weeks. You can gradually see the fainting of the tattoo in colour and shape during this time. And in 6-10 weeks, you will be ready for your next laser tattoo removal session for the sent step.


1 session

Very small tattoo     45£  
Small                           65£
Medium                     80£
Large                          95£
Very large         110/200£

Cosmetic tattoo removal

This is for eyebrows only and eye lines. Not lips.


Prices eyebros    65£
Eye line                80£


If you are looking to get rid of your old tattoos with an effective and safe solution why not visit our clinics?
Contact Us


Monday                  ------
Tuesday            10:00 - 20:00
Wednesday     10:00 - 20:00
Thursday          10:00 - 20:00
Friday                10:00 - 20:00
Saturday          10:00 - 20:00
Sunday             10:00 - 20:00
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